Ballroom Blitz!

On Friday 12th I was asked out to see a play in The International Comedy Club, I arrived to a packed venue and a load of laughs. A kind lady offered me her seat and I sat and watched the whole thing with a smile on my face. Ballroom Blitzs is a comedy,a very funny one, a play about relationships and how we never know what lies ahead when we dive head on in. I was surprised at some parts when characters started to appear from the audience, but it added to the show._20160818_221202Katie mcCourt who played Maggs studied in The Lir Academy and SallyNoggin College, I found her character to be funny, a bit ditzy and very entertaining. Other characters in this play were Susie Redmond who played Rita and Patrick Bokin who played Fred Philpot, I thought the chemistry they had was excellent and there characters were extremely amusing ._20160818_221215Barry Osborne played The Detective and thats when I felt the play really took flight, the crowd was in fits of laughter and the funny lines between him and his wife on the phone were hilarious. Adam Walsh who played Gerald Dingle was one of my favourites, I thought his accent was brilliant and he played his role very well.


The play was short and sweet, there was never a dull moment and you could see everybody really enjoyed the play,

There was a brilliant bond between the actors that you could see on stage which is always an important one for me

I will be sure to go to another Mastrerpiece like this.

Directed by Victor Feldman

Produced by Dwayne Timmons


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